Monday, January 21, 2008

Superbad Review Sessions

Congratulations to Block G for the most productive study session, followed closely by Block F.

New homework: Check your Biology 12 Course Outline for the following assignment:

On the INQUIRY INTO LIFE section of your outline, Sections A, B, and C are due Wednesday, Jan. 23rd, BEFORE the bell. Please come prepared as a number of you have started to check out early mentally, and arrive without homework or books even! Ack.

Sections D, E, and G will be assigned Wednesday and will be due before the bell Friday Jan. 25th.

Friendly reminder, don't miss Friday's class for midterm sample questions and discussion of what was important from unit H.

The Midterm Exam is scheduled for Thursday Jan. 31st, from 1pm until 2:30.

Please remember to bring an extra pencil and eraser, water and some food, and to go to the washroom beforehand so you won't have to leave the classroom during the exam.

Remember to email questions to and visit during Thursdays' lunch.

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