Sunday, September 14, 2008


Now this is up and running for another year, for both Bi12 and my Science 10's.

Your future homework will be posted :)

I'm assuming this is the huge particle collider that was supposed to end the world last Wednesday...

It's circumference is something like 27 km and is supposed to create mini black holes...

For the Science 10's, there's a new link at the bottom for an interactive periodic table. Check it out.


eradication_remix said...

I heard the particle collider just whirled around one way. I don't think they've even started the whole thing yet, but I'll bet that the scientists will find nothing when they start slamming particles together. People need to learn more to know how to properly create black holes.

... and why did you write F to the truth about my internet speaking on the true/false sheet? That hurt, sir. D:

JohnB said...

ooh so their was no blackhole ??

suks i was gana have a party aahah

Akino said...

awesome finally someone who has been up to date with the particle collider..

plus if they do find new particles our current text books will need a new change to include them.